
Personal assistance/everyday helpers

This job advertisement is addressed to persons of any gender.


Type of job: Part-time
Occupational field: Nursing, therapy and assistance
Place: Wiesbaden
Language skills required: German: Advanced | German: Basic | No language skills required
Position to be filled from:
12 April 2022


Phone number:
Contact person:

Nicole Knight

We offer:

Assistant position/everyday helper part-time (80h/month)
Hourly wage: 14,16 €
plus supplements (25% night, 50% Sunday and 100% supplement)
Holiday and Christmas bonus

We are looking for:

I am looking for reinforcement for my existing team and you meet the following requirements?
-booster vaccination
- Willingness to work shifts (3-shift system according to duty roster)
- Willingness to work weekends and holidays
- Sense of closeness and distance
- Flexibility
- Willingness to use apps (communication and formal processing, duty roster, payroll etc., are done via a special programme)
- No fear of dogs and cats
- No allergy to animal hair

The tasks of the everyday heroes include:
- Accompanying them on leisure activities
- Playing parlour games
- Help in the household (cleaning, ironing, cooking etc.)
- Assistance with daily hygiene
A driving licence and training in care are not required!

About Us:

I, 36 years young, sit in an electric wheelchair because my body doesn't function as it should, but despite everything I enjoy my self-determined life.
For this, I need my everyday heroes (m/f/d) to actively support me.

Apply now:

Telephone number: 0163/6077264
Contact person:

Nicole Knight

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